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Bella Webb, Daniel Neill and Emily Slocombe feature in the AvMA Lawyers Service Newsletter – March 2024


Bella Webb, Daniel Neill and Emily Slocombe have all had articles published in the March 2024 edition of the AvMA Lawyers Service Newsletter, that was published on the 18th March 2024.

Bella Webb’s article, which can be found on page 8, is entitled – Traps for the unwary – The pitfalls and management of expert evidence.

“Medical expert evidence plays a central role in most clinical negligence claims. It is of course required that, where any allegation of professional negligence is pleaded, the allegations must be supported in writing by a relevant professional with the necessary expertise.”

Daniel Neill’s article, which can be found on page 18, is entitled – ‘Just satisfaction’: Clinical negligence, Article 2 ECHR & the Human Rights Act 1998.

“We are no doubt all familiar with cases involving wrongful death in hospital. Such cases may arise from surgical or pharmacological negligence, or they may concern mentally ill patients who have taken their own lives.”

Finally, Emily Slocombe’s article, which is on page 21, is entitled – Limitation in Fatal Accident claims – a review after Shaw v Maguire.

“In the case of Shaw v Maguire (Re Preliminary Issues) [2023] EWHC 2155 (KB) Master Cook considered the limitation period in fatal accident claims as a preliminary issue.”

Click here to view these articles and the full AvMA Lawyers Service Newsletter (March 2024).

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Emily Raynor (née Slocombe)

Emily Raynor (née Slocombe)
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