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Ben Collins KC to speak at Clinical Negligence Update 2025 – A Live Online Conference.


Ben Collins KC will speak at a live online conference on 26th February 2025, hosted by The Legal Training Consultancy.

Topics include:

-Litigating Delayed Diagnoses: Addressing claims related to delays in diagnosis and treatment exacerbated by pandemic pressures

-“Bedevilled by apparent inconsistency and imprecision” Do the courts really know what Material Contribution is? 

-Causation 2025: an update

– Informed Consent: New Trends and Judicial Approaches. The courts’ evolving view on patient autonomy and the provision of medical information.

-Challenges facing expert witnesses in complex medical cases

-Cross border clinical negligence claims

-How to be an Expert Expert. An Expert Expert’s view

-Clinical negligence case law update


Ben Collins KC, Old Square Chambers

Alexander Hutton KC Hailsham Chambers

Owain Thomas KC 1 Crown Office Row

Hugh Preston KC, 7BR

Richard Baker KC, 7BR

Richard Booth, KC 1 Crown Office Row

Dr Jan Wise, former Chair of the British Medical Associations Medico-Legal Committee

Linda Millband, Head of Group Claims, Thompsons Solicitors

For more details, click here.

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Ben Collins KC

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Ben Collins KC

Deputy Head of Chambers
Ben Collins KC Telephone Clerk020 7269 0360
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William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755