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Tuesday 5th October | 12:30pm – 1:30pm | via MBL Seminars
Old Square’s Bella Webb is speaking in the MBL webinar on “Cancer Diagnosis/Treatment & COVID-19 – What Lies Ahead?”
Clinical negligence claims dealing with cancer diagnosis and treatment are legally and often factually complex, and hugely emotive even during ‘normal’ times, both for Claimants and Defendants.
The COVID-19 pandemic has ravaged the world and the NHS has rightly been praised for its heroic efforts in battling the virus, but this evolving crisis has led to unique challenges resulting in medical decisions which may have profound implications for non-COVID patients over the months and years ahead.
As predictions of the potential additional death toll from the pandemic due to cancer abound, many will query how great the anticipated wave of cancer claims in the years ahead will be, and how such cases are likely to be assessed.
This webinar will consider the potential claims that may yet arise and the complexities that they will entail.
Book a place here (via the MBL website).