Before joining Old Square Chambers Richard spent five years working for two trade unions and a law centre having conduct of large case loads of Employment Tribunal claims. Since being at the Bar examples of Richard’s work in the Employment Tribunal and on appeal include:
- Accattatis v Fortuna Group (London) Ltd [2024] IRLR 570 – successfully acted for the appellant. The decision is authority on the interaction between s.100(2) ERA and s.100(1)(e) in health and safety cases in the context of a request for homeworking during the first national Covid-19 lockdown (led by Edward Kemp KC).
- Abrams & Jolly v The University of Oxford ET: 3313598/2022 – successfully acted for the claimants in relation to the preliminary issue of employee status (instructed by Ryan Bradshaw of Leigh Day Solicitors, supported by Law for Change). The case was widely covered by the national press: The BBC; The Guardian; The Times.
- Djalo v The Secretary of State for Justice – successfully obtained permission to appeal to the EAT regarding the strike out of the appellant’s indirect race discrimination claim arising from the respondent’s policy of according higher minimum rates of pay to directly employed civil servants than to outsourced facilities workers (led by Jeremy Lewis KC). Richard is currently instructed in an application for permission to “leap frog” appeal directly to the Supreme Court, in light of the decision of the Court of Appeal in Boohene v The Royal Parks Ltd [2024] ICR 1036; [2024] IRLR 668, in which Richard was led by Changez Khan and is currently awaiting a decision on permission to appeal from the Supreme Court (led by Jack Mitchell and instructed by Aman Thakar of Leigh Day Solicitors).
- Stainton v John E Haith Ltd ET: 2602049/2023 – successfully acted for the claimant warehouse operative in his claim for a redundancy payment when his employer relocated from Grimsby to Louth (instructed by James Tinston of Thompsons Solicitors).
- P v Yorkshire Ambulance Service ET: 6000534/2023 – successfully acted for the respondent NHS Trust securing the dismissal of the claimant’s wide ranging disability discrimination and victimisation claims, following an eight-day trial involving 11 witnesses (instructed by Maddie Lawrence of Capsticks Solicitors).
- Amankwah v North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust ET: 3304558/2022 – successfully acting for the respondent NHS Trust securing the dismissal of the wide ranging disability discrimination claims advanced by the claimant, following a four-day trial (instructed by Loren Meek of Capsticks Solicitors).
- Oxborrow v Partnerships in Care Ltd ET: 3300169/2017 – successfully acted for a large number of care workers who were found to be entitled to an allowance for sleep in shifts based on an implied term by custom and practice across the care sector (a practice noted by the Supreme Court in Royal Mencap Society v Tomlinson-Blake [2021] ICR 758) that such allowances would be paid (instructed by Sanjana Hossain of Thompsons Solicitors).
- Cunningham v Sure Care (UK) Ltd ET: 2405022/2022 – successfully acted for a claimant care worker in a wages claim in relation to a period of what was found to be suspension on medical grounds (instructed by David Jones of Thompsons Solicitors).
- Successfully acted for a claimant sixth form lecturer who resigned in response to her employer’s alleged failure to adequately respond to serious threatening behaviour from students, including a threat to kill. The claim was settled favourably, including with agreement to collective negotiations over the relevant policies (instructed by Colin Davidson of Cole Khan Solicitors).
- Successfully acted for a claimant teaching assistant dismissed by reason of sickness absence due to arthritis, rather than waiting for her hip replacement surgery to take place and to settle, which was alleged to be a reasonable adjustment for disability. The claim was settled favourably on the first day of trial (instructed by Sanjana Hossain of Thompsons Solicitors).
- Successfully acted for a claimant warehouse operative in a disability discrimination claim against one of the world’s largest e-commerce businesses, in which a substantial settlement was obtained (instructed by Navya Shekhar and Mirek Ksiezarek of Truth Legal Solicitors).