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Christopher Edwards

Call: 2006

“Chris is able to place the client at ease and to explain complex legal points in a clear and concise manner.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“Chris provides clear, sensible and well thought out advice with close attention to detail. He is very good with clients, even the more demanding ones, and can explain very complex matters in a simple, straightforward way.”

The Legal 500 2025

"Chris Edwards is a very strong, reliable pair of hands who has the ability to cut through to the real issues quickly." "Christopher is excellent with clients. He possesses technical knowledge and attention to detail."

Chambers & Partners 2024

"Chris has a clear understanding of personal injury litigation and is able to explain complex issues to clients." "Christopher is astute and puts clients them at ease.'"

The Legal 500 2024


Christopher Edwards specialises in both personal injury and employment, and has a busy and active practice in both of these key chambers areas.

Christopher acts for Claimants and Defendants in personal injury cases, with a particular focus on high-value workplace and road traffic accidents, industrial disease and multi-party litigation. His expertise encompasses all types of personal injury claims, public liability, employers’ liability, occupiers claims, highways claims, injuries caused by or involving housing disrepair, etc. He acts in high-value and complex cases where there is major ongoing disability or inability to work. He also has extensive experience in product liability claims under the Consumer Protection Act 1987 and travel/holiday claims under the Package Travel (etc) Regulations 1992.

Christopher acts for both patients and doctors or other medical professionals in clinical negligence cases. His experience includes acting in traditional claims against the NHS and private medical practitioners and dentists, as well as similar types of professional negligence claim against beauticians, hairdressers, tattooists and such individuals. He has a particular specialism in cases involving cosmetic surgery.

Christopher has a very wide and varied experience in employment and discrimination claims. He acts for employers and employees from a varied client base which includes public services (in particular the NHS), City and blue chip companies, educational institutions, local authorities, charities, the construction industry, manufacturers, the police, trade unions, as well as individuals from a wide range of different employment backgrounds. He appears in the High Court, Employment Appeal Tribunal, Employment Tribunal and County Court.

Christopher has a busy costs practice and regularly appears in the High Court, SCCO, and County Court, arguing points of principle as well as undertaking detailed assessments. He is a high capable choice to instruct when difficult costs points arise. He also has wide experience of costs in the employment tribunal jurisdiction. He gives talks and lectures on costs law.

Professional Recommendations


“Chris provides clear, sensible and well thought out advice with close attention to detail. He is very good with clients, even the more demanding ones, and can explain very complex matters in a simple, straightforward way.”

The Legal 500 2025

“He is well prepared, personable and tactically astute.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“Chris is able to place the client at ease and to explain complex legal points in a clear and concise manner.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“Christopher pays close attention to detail and is good at managing clients and difficult situations.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Christopher is a personable and persuasive advocate.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Chris Edwards is a very strong, reliable pair of hands who has the ability to cut through to the real issues quickly.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Chris has a clear understanding of personal injury litigation and is able to explain complex issues to clients.”

The Legal 500 2024

“Christopher is excellent with clients. He possesses technical knowledge and attention to detail.”

Chambers & Partners 2023

“Christopher is astute and puts clients at ease.”

The Legal 500 2023

“An excellent advocate who is able to distil complex issues into the relevant key components. He provides consistently pragmatic advice and is always realistic about the prospects of success – very good client management skills that inspire confidence in witnesses.” “He gives good pithy advice with the confidence of someone who is both extremely bright and on top of his brief.”

The Legal 500 2022

“Provides an excellent service and is a solid performer at trial. He is sharp and always well prepared.” “A robust and fair opponent who is very easy to get along with.”

Chambers & Partners 2022

“He is an excellent advocate, and is very approachable and easy to deal with. He is also very thorough and has a really good depth of knowledge.”

Chambers & Partners 2021

“Excellent with clients, always well prepared, superbly knowledgeable and robust.” “Secures good results for clients. He grasps the key facts and law with ease, and quickly gains the trust and confidence of nervous clients and apprehensive witnesses.”

The Legal 500 2021

“He’s excellent in court, in JSMs and in conference with clients.” “He’s unflappable, very bright and has excellent client-care skills.”

Chambers & Partners 2020

“Excellent depth of knowledge, approachable and prepared to take a chance where others won’t.”

The Legal 500 2020

“He is particularly able to deal with thorny costs issues.”

The Legal 500


Clinical Negligence


Employment & Discrimination

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Olivia Moliterno

Team Leader
Olivia Moliterno Telephone Clerk020 7269 0477 Email Clerk

Manisha Agheda

Junior Team Leader Assistant
Manisha Agheda Telephone Clerk020 7269 0482 Email Clerk
Shortlist Updated

Out of hours

William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755