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Bruno Gil

Call: 2014

“Bruno has an approachable manner but demonstrates a firm grip of the issues, pursuing a strategy with tenacity.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“Accessible, very hardworking, prepares impeccably and extremely good client manner – a star of the junior Bar.”

The Legal 500 2025

"Bruno instils confidence in his instructing solicitors and clients because he is thorough. His written advice is impeccable and thought through; his advice always has direction."

Chambers & Partners 2024

"Bruno is meticulous in his preparation, confident in his advice and a compelling advocate in court with an excellent success rate."

The legal 500 2024

“Bruno is my weapon of choice for complex personal injury and clinical negligence claims. He never wings it. He instils confidence in his instructing solicitors and clients because he is thorough; he covers all the bases. His written advice is impeccable and thought through; he brings some practical wisdom to his work. His advice always has direction; it is not an opportunity for grandstanding, but a means to a solution.”

Solicitor Testimonial


Bruno Gil specialises in personal injury and clinical negligence work. He has been a ranked barrister in both fields since 2022, having been identified as a “Rising Star” in 2021.

His practice also includes professional negligence and costs. Bruno also undertakes investigations and acts in inquiries and inquests. Bruno is also appointed to the Attorney General’s C Panel.

With a BSc and MSc in biological sciences, Bruno has a particular ability to grasp medical issues in a claim. He is increasingly instructed in claims involving complex injuries, including CRPS, chronic pain, FND, traumatic brain injury, spinal injury, and CES.

Further detail of Bruno’s work can be found under the relevant expertise headings.

Bruno is an active member of PIBA and APIL.

Before coming to the Bar, Bruno enjoyed a successful career in management and operations for a global high-end restaurant group, allowing him to hone excellent client-care skills.

In addition, Bruno previously worked as a paralegal for a claimant firm specialising in personal injury and clinical negligence and has been on secondment as in-house counsel within a large defendant firm. This experience means Bruno is particularly aware of the demands placed upon his professional clients.

During his professional training (BPTC), Bruno won three national advocacy competitions. He attained a further prize in an international mediation tournament. Bruno was awarded the Lord Denning Scholarship and Lord Brougham Scholarship from Lincoln’s Inn.

Professional Recommendations

“Accessible, very hardworking, prepares impeccably and extremely good client manner – a star of the junior Bar.”

The Legal 500 2025

“Bruno is always very responsive and can turn around instructions in a very short timescale when required. He is very good with experts and clients in conferences, testing evidence in a clear and logical manner.”

The Legal 500 2025

“Bruno has an approachable manner but demonstrates a firm grip of the issues, pursuing a strategy with tenacity.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“Bruno is wise beyond his years.”

Chambers & Partners 2025

“His skills in client care are excellent and he strives to achieve the best outcome for our clients.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Bruno instils confidence in his instructing solicitors and clients because he is thorough. His written advice is impeccable and thought through; his advice always has direction.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Bruno is an excellent junior with a bright future.”

Chambers & Partners 2024

“Bruno is meticulous in his preparation, confident in his advice and a compelling advocate in court with an excellent success rate.”

The Legal 500 2024

“Good at picking up on the small but vital points to help bring home a claim. Capable of working well with KCs from other sets and gives unbiased opinions and perspectives on the reality of case merits.”

The Legal 500 2024

Bruno is my weapon of choice for complex personal injury and clinical negligence claims. He never wings it. He instils confidence in his instructing solicitors and clients because he is thorough; he covers all the bases. His written advice is impeccable and thought through; he brings some practical wisdom to his work. His advice always has direction; it is not an opportunity for grandstanding, but a means to a solution.

Solicitor Testimonial

“Bruno is one to watch in the future.”


The Legal 500 2023

“Bruno has tremendous energy and will attack problems with vigour. His advocacy is always well-planned and executed. He gives clients confidence in his ability to consistently predict what’s coming next.”

The Legal 500 2023

“He brings to cases a level of insight and problem solving that is well beyond his call.”

The Legal 500 2022

“Bruno is technically excellent. He possesses many qualities that a top clinical negligence barrister requires, not least his ability to assimilate and condense large amounts of medical information.”

The Legal 500 2022


Personal Injury

Clinical Negligence

Professional negligence



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Evie Cocker

Team Leader Assistant
Evie Cocker Telephone Clerk020 7269 0480 Email Clerk
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William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755