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Old Square Chambers appear today before the Supreme Court in Hartley & Ors v King Edward VI College


Old Square Chambers appear today before the Supreme Court in Hartley & Ors –v- King Edward VI College, the leading challenge concerning an Employer’s entitlement to withhold salary in respect of strike action.

Appearing on behalf of the Appellant: Oliver Segal QC, leading Katharine Newton, instructed by Thompsons Solicitors LLP

Appearing on behalf of the Respondent: Ben Cooper, being led by Thomas Linden QC, instructed by Blake Morgan LLP.


Strike action, union, king George college, Hartley, supreme court

Key contacts

Oliver Segal KC

Head of Chambers
Oliver Segal KC Telephone Clerk020 7269 0360

Katharine Newton KC

Deputy Head of Chambers
Katharine Newton KC Telephone Clerk020 7269 0300

Ben Cooper KC

Deputy Head of Chambers
Ben Cooper KC Telephone Clerk020 7269 0360
Shortlist Updated

Out of hours

William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755