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High Court to hear modern slavery claims on behalf of Lithuanian workers – John Hendy QC


John Hendy QC begun a four-day trial in the High Court on Tuesday 19 February 2019 to represent eleven Lithuanian workers who allege they were trafficked to the UK and put to work in gruelling conditions catching chickens at farms all over the UK. The farms supplied chickens and eggs for brands such as “Happy Eggs”, available in supermarkets across Britain.

The claimants allege they were beaten by supervisors, housed in filthy and overcrowded conditions, deprived of rest, and that a Lithuanian “middle-man”, Mr Edikas Mankevicius, threatened them with eviction, violence and aggressive Rottweiler dogs.

The four-day trial will determine the preliminary issue of whether Darrell Houghton and his partner, Jackie Judge, are personally liable for the alleged contractual and related statutory breaches of their company, DJ Houghton Catching Services Ltd. The pair deny liability.

John is instructed by Leigh Day. The couple, along with Mr Edikas Mankevicius, are currently also facing criminal prosecution in Lithuania relating to the treatment of the workers.

For full information, please see the Leigh Day website

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Lord (John) Hendy KC

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