On 19th April 2021, Turan Hursit spoke alongside colleagues from 39 Essex Chambers and 5 Stone Buildings at a webinar run by the Court of Protection Bar Association.
The webinar provided an overview of the Court of Protection for junior barristers, covering both Health & Welfare and Property & Affairs issues. It addressed the principles existing in section 1 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005, the statutory provisions governing Court of Protection cases, the case law applying to questions of capacity and best interests, and the procedure for bringing applications under sections 16 and 21A of the Mental Capacity Act 2005. The slides for and recording of the webinar are now available to members of the Court of Protection Bar Association in the members’ section of the COPBA website, at the following link: https://www.cpba.org.uk/members-area/
Turan Hursit accepts instructions in all of chambers’ specialisms and has a particular interest in medical cases raising human rights issues. Her profile can be found here.