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"an extremely approachable set of chambers which puts a premium on service delivery"

Chambers & Partners

Room Hire


For further information about any of the facilities including details of pricing structures or to arrange a viewing for room hire, please contact events on: 0207 269 0300

Old Square Chambers is able to offer arbitration, mediation, meeting, conference & video-conferencing facilities set in our spacious premises in Bedford Row, WC1.

Our rooms combine a contemporary working space in an elegant and comfortably appointed 17th century building that inspires a constructive and lively group discussion, board meetings and conferences. Old Square Chambers can provide the ideal setting for all your training needs. Our rooms are equipped with state-of-the-art presentation technology, supported by our in-house IT and administrative team. We can offer 5 rooms of assorted sizes and aspects for hire either individually or as part of a suite. All rooms have the benefit of air conditioning, network services (which allow users to have e-mail and internet access via their own laptop computers) and video and telephone conferencing facilities.

Key contacts

Sarah Earl

Chambers Director
Sarah Earl 020 7269 0323 Email
Shortlist Updated

Out of hours

William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755