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Old Square Chambers join the Sport Resolutions Pro Bono Service


Old Square Chambers is delighted to announce that we have been appointed to the Sport Resolutions Pro Bono Service panel.

The purpose of the Service is to:

Provide pro bono legal advice and assistance to athletes and individuals of limited financial means, who are either:

  • Involved in UK Sport funded high performance sport, or;
  • Request assistance from the Service through the British Elite Athletes Association, or;
  • Involved in proceedings administered by Sport Resolutions and request assistance from the Service. These include matters administered on behalf of International Federations, matters determined by the National Anti-Doping Panel, the National Safeguarding Panel, and other ad hoc arbitrations and mediations administered by Sport Resolutions.

Assistance may include summary advice and/or representation in relation to athlete eligibility, selection, disciplinary, anti-doping, and classification matters. This list is non-exhaustive.

The service currently offers assistance in the following areas of law:

  • Anti-doping
  • Athlete selection and eligibility
  • Athlete and player contracts
  • Child safeguarding
  • Governance
  • Adults at Risk
  • Discipline
  • Paralympic classification
  • Employment
  • Discrimination
  • Vetting procedures
  • Integrity issues

Click here for more information on the service.

For further information or to discuss our our sports team in general, please contact our clerks on 020 7269 0300 orĀ

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Out of hours

William Meade (Senior Clerk)

07970 649 755